Thursday, November 27, 2008


Tonight I am grateful for a happy and successful Thanksgiving shindig, right here in our own home. There was eating, drinking, merriment, and a wonderful family to be thankful for. The only difficult part was not being with all my other family members in Wisconsin. I have to say, it isn't a bad thing, when you have small children, to be the holiday host because they can so easily be whisked off to their own rooms when necessary.

I have to give a lot of credit to Ann, mother-in-law extraordinaire, for bringing the turkey, stuffing, potatoes, and a cheesecake. While I did contribute plenty of other foods to our feast, I felt that she had all the high pressure menu items and I did not sweat my apple pie, jellos, or veggie sides too much.

The only pictures I managed to take were these of Harper "playing" Pictionary. She was drawing Rudolph.

I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kelsey -
I am glad that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with Matt's family but we missed all of you in Wisconsin. Can't wait to see you around Christmas!!!
Love Shannon