Friday, January 19, 2024

The Friday Five (3)

 1. I'm 47 years old and there's still little as glorious as waking up to a snow day. I didn't get out of bed until almost 9 a.m. this morning.

2. I have not had a full day of school all week. Monday was a day off, Tuesday and Wednesday were delayed due to sub-zero temps, Thursday morning I was at the children's ER with Michael, and today we're off for snow. Michael will be fine, by the way, but he injured his foot and was uncomfortable enough that x-rays were in order. Thank goodness for today's day off because navigating the high school again today (he did it w/ a boot on yesterday) might have been too much. He can rest it this weekend.

3. Today's snow day feels like an extra gift because my entire long weekend last weekend was spent at a volleyball tournament in Fort Wayne, IN, and then driving Harper back to school in St. Louis. It was all good, especially hanging out with our friends in St. Louis on Sunday night, but it was not relaxing. This weekend I will watch sports (Flyers! Packers!) and take down the Christmas decorations. 

4. Might I recommend a bookish podcast? My friends Amy and Carrie have a wonderful weekly podcast in which they talk to bookish people (librarians, authors, booksellers, etc.) and discuss what they're reading. It is always such a delight to hear these two chat; it really feels like sitting down with good friends. Check out The Perks of Being a Booklover! If you have never listened to them it means you have nine (!) seasons of episodes to enjoy for the first time.

5. I made Christmas cookies today because I never made any over the break. My mother-in-law, and my mom, made cookies that we all love and it felt redundant to make more. Plus Matt had been wanting the ones with the Hershey Kiss in the middle, which I make with Biscoff spread instead of peanut butter, but Harper can no longer stand the smell of Biscoff (story for another day?) so I didn't want to bake them when she was still home from school. There's really no reason these have to be Christmas cookies and not year-round cookies, but I rarely bake outside the holidays. We are more often ice cream people than homemade cookie people. 

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