Sunday, April 18, 2010


Something I am learning slowly about this boy of mine is that he needs his hair cut far more often than his sister does. Michael's hair was getting so long I was tempted to pull it back with a pony some days. Not good. I finally made a call and we were able to run up the street to Miss Laura on Saturday afternoon. Laura is amazing - Michael barely held still and she still managed to get a decent cut, the only problem is that he looks more grown up now!


Fever update: I did end up calling our pediatrician's after-hours line when Harper's temp went up to 103.6 w/ two hours to go before she could take more Motrin. The nurse told me to have her drink some cold water and to apply a cool cloth to her forehead and take her to the ER if her temp reached 104, which it fortunately did not. Yesterday she had a lower fever and was fever-free today. Hopefully we're on the other side of that particular illness. Knock on wood.


Only six days left to fund-raise the March of Dimes! Thanks to all of you who have already made donations, seriously, I'm incredibly grateful. And yet I'm still asking for money! You know, because it never hurts to ask.


Pam said...

What was the illness other than fever - do you know? Anyway, glad she's better.
My neighbour for 5 years has given me a MoD envelope and this year she hasn't, so I'll sponsor you. Good luck! X

Jill said...

Above 104 everything gets a little weird. I pray I never experience that again. Shudder.

Erin said...

Oh goodness. I obviously missed your weekend posts! It was great to talk to you today. I am so glad everyone is feeling better.

I am proud to say that in my brief childless time at home, I caught up on your blog and donated to March of Dimes!