Thursday, September 11, 2008

Indulge Me

I know I already posted a series of photos showing how Michael has grown, but I was playing with layouts in our photo-editing program and now I want to post these too. I'm aware that it is sort of a no-brainer that the child has grown/changed significantly in six months, but when I think of where we were six months and a few days ago, I'm still in awe of him.

There were so many ways my pregnancy/his birth could have gone even more wrong than they went. I look at him today, and, even though his current state slightly feverish and blowing huge snot bubbles (thanks to preschool germ-carrier Harper), I just feel so darn lucky.


Erin said...

I love the progression! He is so adorable and perfect. That little smile he has in that last, most recent photo, looks like he gonna be TROUBLE. hee!

Astarte said...

Wow, doesn't he look like a little person already?! He has an adorable smile!

Anonymous said...

He was beautiful on day one, and he is beautiful now. He is just fantastic - and that smile - he's a charmer, I can tell!