Sunday, November 13, 2005

Fall Festivities

We had some gorgeous weather here last week. The calendar says November, but it was in the low seventies outside. This time of year, Rebound is constantly dragging leaves in from the back yard. I would have to vaccuum once every half-hour to clear them all up, so we just deal with a little backyard in our family room. Last week Harper was playing with one of the dead leaves Rebound had dragged in like it was the most fascinating object she'd ever encountered. She was shaking it, crunching it, clapping with it. I'm quite sure tasting would have been involved sooner or later. So we're sitting inside on this beautiful afternoon, playing with the sad little leaves Rebound has dragged in, and I am truly embarrassed to say how long it took me to figure out that I could actually take Harper outside to play in the hundreds of leaves on the patio. Duh! Sometimes as a mom, I am so slow on the uptake. Anyway, some pictures speak for themselves:

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