Tuesday, February 19, 2008

On the Road

In a stunning turn of events, it appears that I am going home today. Home to my bed, that is.

I'm totally and irrationally freaked out by this development. Especially since I thought they would give me at least a day's warning if I were going to go home. But no, a doctor just came in and said I was going home today and then told me many things, 98% of which went right out of my head. They will have to write this stuff down for me.

I will try to post again later today. . . I'm not sure what time I'll be headed home. My head is spinning right now.


Christina said...

WOW, Kelsey. To just spring that on you...

Please call us if you need anything, and I mean anything. I can be there in 5 minutes.


Bunny said...

I hope you will be able to get some rest and take care of yourself. Maybe once you;re in your own bed you will feel better. I'm thinking about you!

Mommy Daisy said...

That's a move in the right direction. I'm sure it will be much easier for you there.

Emily said...

Oh, man!! I am sure you are freaking out. I would be, too. Please keep us posted - I'm assuming you will need the same amount of support - if not more - once you are on bedrest at home. With a THREE YEAR OLD.

Erin said...

Kelsey, I am thinking of you. I hope last night went okay and that today is completely uneventful!

Marie Green said...

UG! Home? Do they provide room service? A bed with a "call nurse" button? Someone to chase after Harper? WHAT ARE THEY THINKING????

Then again, it might be nice to be in your own environment? Hope it goes well!