"What's in this apple?"
"A worm."
"Why is it in there?"
"Because worms like apples."
"Why doesn't it have a face."
"Worms don't really have faces we can see."
"Slimy does! Where is this worm's face?"
"Why is there a mouse inside this cheese?"
"Because mice like cheese."
"Why do mice like cheese?"
"Because it tastes good to them."
"Why do they think it tastes good?"
"I don't know, why do you like cheese?!"
"This noise block makes a sound. How does it do that?"
"When the pieces push together they make a sound."
"In about fourteen years you can takes physics, then you can come home and tell me why."
Harper also seems to be integrating information in a way she hadn't been before. Back in September, when we were in St. Louis, she saw Erin nursing Emmett, and it was really her first close encounter with breast feeding, at least since she's been old enough to remember. That image must have nestled itself somewhere in her brain because in the last couple of days she has taken to nursing her baby doll.
"Baby Doll doesn't want her bottle," Harper says, "she is eating from my bref."
"Your breast?"
"Yes, I'm bref feeding her."
I suppose some people might find that odd, but I think it's very sweet that she is nursing her doll. And Harper informed me that Baby Doll can get milk, or water, or juice from her breasts. Now there's a trick I haven't learned!
1 comment:
Well we can definitely say that Harper has a great imagination. I can't wait to see her breast feed next week.
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