Tuesday, November 09, 2010

It is Done

So I could not stop trying to capture the crazy-making tooth angel. I took this photo at about 4:15 p.m.:


At approximately 4:20 Harper asked Michael if he'd like to wiggle it, instead he bopped it right out of her mouth. We found it on the computer room carpet.

The Tooth Fairy will be delivering a gold dollar coin this evening. Hallelujah!


MamaK said...

hurray! in time for photos! and harper looks so proud :)

Giselle said...

Oh! They look so different when they lose those top two teeth. Andrew still has both of his, and I told him to smile big in his school picture. This is bound to be the last one with those little teeth, before the big honking adult teeth poke through.

Congrats on getting it out before picture day!

jill.shoemaker said...

I'm considering the gold coin trick myself. We used to get a quarter but I know some kids get twenty bucks for each tooth. We can't afford that, but the dollar is probably a pretty good inflation over the last 20 ish years..

CARRIE said...

So glad that tooth is gone. Feel better momma? ;)
Leave it to a brother to get the job done with a whack!

Swistle said...

Good boy, Michael!

Pam said...

Yea! Good work Michael!

tracy said...

Hooray for Harper and Hooray for YOU! I can't wait to see the family pictures.

We always got one silver dollar (per tooth) from the Tooth Fairy. Was Harper excited to find her coin this morning?

Elizabeth Cull said...

Your daughter's really happy now, I can see it in her eyes and her smile actually. My daughter has loose tooth also and tomorrow, we will visit some Libertyville dentists for teeth cleaning and check for cavities and tooth decay. Unlike other kids who are afraid to visit a dentist, my daughter enjoys going there and she isn't afraid of any dental procedure. Such a brave girl! I bet you girl's brave too!

Mommy Daisy said...

Guess that's what brothers are for!