Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Scene: I walk in after returning from class and Harper comes to say good night to me.

Harper: (Noticing my necklace, which has a tree on it.) What are those?

Me: Tree branches.

Harper: Can I cyime (climb) them?


Scene: I follow Matt and Harper down the hall as he takes her to her room for bed. Harper employs the most irresistible stall tactic ever.

Harper: Mommy! Come here and kiss Daddy.


Scene: I am sitting at the computer when I hear a thud followed by loud screeching. I run to Harper's room to find she had emptied her laundry basket, turned it upside down, stood on it in an attempt to reach something on her dresser, and fallen down. I determine she fell on her back, but did not incur any lasting injuries.

Me: I don't want you to stand on laundry baskets any more. It isn't safe.

Harper: But I can stand on my stool!

Me: Yes, your stool is for standing on.

Harper: No standing on the yandree baskets. Only standing on stools.

Me: Thanks for the recap.

Harper: Your wewcome.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kels,

Thanks so much for the blog entries this week. I am in Mexcio and certainly look forward to readign these every night. Harper is a laugh a minute (spoken like a true grandfather!)



Megan said...

So funny!! I love kids (esp at this age) and hearing little stories/snippets like this :) I love the mystery in never knowing what is coming next... (most of the time at least!)

Have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

I love your blog! I have been checking it out since you mentioned it in the Honors Program newsletter. I have a 2 year old daughter as well and your blog totally captures the sweet (and insane) life of staying home with a toddler! I must mention Harper is so adorable, and incredibly verbal. Ally is just now starting to talk a lot, so I am amazed at Harper's comments on life.
Sara Flaherty (nee Long)