Thursday, July 10, 2008

Flying Solo

As I type, Matt is in a car headed for Orlando, Florida. The AAU basketball team he coaches qualified for the national tournament. Last year we were spoiled because nationals for the age group he coached were only forty-five minutes away from our house. Orlando is a little further.

During basketball season, Matt is gone fairly often, but rarely overnight. And, while I can manage things on my own, he is my partner and it just doesn't feel right when he's not here. His team is talented and they have the potential to do really we in Florida. Unfortunately for me, this means he might be gone until a week from Sunday. That's ten days, not that I'm counting. Matt will be gone at least a week. This will be easier than the last time he was out of town for nationals, during my first set of grad school finals, but more difficult because we have two children now.

As much as I'm nervous about this time, I really shouldn't complain too much. Matt's parents are always a tremendous help, a great friend from college will be with us most of the day Saturday and Sunday, and my mom is coming from Sunday night until Wednesday night. There's a good chance that we'll all come out the other end alive.

But still. . . Ten. Days.



MamaK said...

Orlando!! I'm bummed I'm not in traveling shape, or it'd be fun to go see Matt's team. You'll make it thru somehow...

Idea for future pay-it-forward prize: a children's book or 2 ??? Right up your alley... actually, I'd love to see a post on stocking your child's bookcase. Probably there's one on here somewhere, but I'm a relatively new reader :)

And thanks for sharing pics, too!

Giselle said...

No matter who else comes to help, it isn't the same as good old Daddy. I feel so fortunate that Jeff doesn't travel for his job...I would be HELPLESS. Okay, so I'd probably do fine...but I don't want HIM to know that. ;)

Emily said...

Wow, Kels, 10 days is a really long time! You go for having a good attitude about it. I think if Brian traveled for work I'd be really pouty. :) I'm glad you have alot of help, but I'm sure it will still have its challenges.

Sarah said...

That week Jim was gone last month was lo-ong. Good luck to you! Glad you'll have some company, at least. That helps a lot.

Swistle said...

This is exactly the sort of situation that makes me wish we were all as geographically close as we are blogically close: it would be so great to all be able to pitch in for stuff like this: a few times, have someone take one child and someone else take the other child for a few hours to give you a minute to breathe; other people do some of the cooking; other people bake brownies; etc.

Erin said...

I second Swistle. In a perfect world...

Instead, just know that oh girl, I feel for ya. One day (and often one hour) at a time. You'll do fine. Call anytime!