Sunday, July 02, 2006

Deep Breathing Required

So, how do single parents do it? I really can't imagine. Matt's been gone a whopping three days and it was melt-down city around here. I think part of it is knowing that he won't be home again for at least another four days. I am apparently not cut out for flying solo.

Today started off calmly enough. We went over to Auntie M's house and took a walk with her and Atticus. Harper had a snack. Then we went to the library, where Harper got to choose new books and color a picture, even though it wasn't a storytime day. Really, what more can a girl want?

Then there was a nap.

After the nap, we started by taking the books out of the bag from the library. This is when some crucial element of Harper's happiness seemed to slip away. I'm not sure where we went wrong, but from about 3:30 until she finally fell asleep at 8:30, Harper screamed as much as not.

At one point, I put her in her crib because she wanted her paci. Frankly, we both needed the time out. This is what frustration looks like:

My guess is that the look on my face wasn't too different. Oh boy.

So we are definitely missing Daddy tonight. I'm also starting to get a little nervous about finishing all my school work for next week. It is entirely possible that my elevated anxiety level is rubbing off on Harper. Hopefully we'll both be a little more calm tomorrow.

The good news is that Nana and Dziatku are back in town! They returned from D.C. today. And it's Dziatku's birthday, which we'll celebrate fully when Matt returns. Tomorrow we get to see Nana and Dziatku. Trust me, we are all looking forward to that.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Oh man, Kels, hang in there! Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? Also, absence makes the left-at-home parent's blood pressure rise.

I wrote a response to your last post at my website. The more photos you post of Harper, the clearer it becomes that she indeed has one lovely, whopper mullet.