I've been collecting goodies for my final pay it forward contest for over a month. . . I'm also going to amend the rules just a little bit (and hopefully stay within the spirit Swistle originally intended!). Normally the bloggy pay it forward contests have asked you to hold your own contest when you win, hence the title. . . The winner of this contest is welcome to pay it forward on her/his blog, but may also choose a general pay it forward activity. In other words, just do something nice for someone else if you win.
Um, of course I can't actually make you do anything, but the idea is to increase the good feelings floating around out there. And, let's face it, we're probably going to need it this week!
So you can enter by leaving a comment on this post by November 7, 2008, by midnight. If you aren't sure what to leave in the comments, let me know what your favorite Halloween treat would be if you couldn't have nuts/peanut butter. (Based on the candy dooled out in our neighborhood, most people really, really like the nut/peanut butter stuff. I challenge you to think outside the allergen!)
Favorite Halloween treat? Smarties or Bottlecaps would have to win. I am 99% sure neither of them include nuts...at least, I hope they don't!!
Management- I wish that everything in life were as easy as making a comment about your comment section and *poof* everything is all taken care of. Dang Girl, you're good!
Moving on to the very important stuff... candy!! I've been known to have an affair or two with the chocolate/ peanutty goodness that only a Reese's cup can offer, but him aside, give me some good, old Laffy Taffy. Cherry please!
Ohh...bluedaisy reminded me about smarties - that's a really good one. I'm also a big fan of individually wrapped Twizzlers - they stay softer than the big package.
My all-time favorites are Heath, Butterfinger, Reese's cups, and Snickers, BUT if I couldn't have those, I'd be almost as happy with Twizzlers...almost!
Found you from Swistle. Hi! My newly rediscovered favorite candy is Kit-Kats. Mmmm.
skittles and starbursts!!!
Red licorce! Yum!
If I can't steal the kids' almond joys, I guess I'll have to go with the mounds (which I also love cuz YUM dark chocolate)! But the Twizzlers always mysteriously disappear from the pumpkins, too!
Found this through Swistle, but I would have to say those small square caramels would win :D
I love those flavored tootsie rolls.
Oooh, Skittles! Back in the day, before I had kids and could eat whatever I wanted, I used to buy the 1 pound bags (gah! I can't believe I did this!) and I'd have the whole thing gone in 2 to 3 days.
I don't eat them like that anymore, but man, I do still love them. :)
any types of Twizzlers is my favorite!!
Twizzlers, smarties, tootsie rolls.
Those were my answers 2 days ago, but I wasn't 100% sure they weren't 'processed on shared facility' so I tried googing it. Got nothing useful at all. OH! Except JELLY BELLYS - yum. Anyway, how in the world do you put together a 100% safe list? I imagine there's a lot of hidden/shared stuff going on...
Kit-Kats or Payday candybars are my total fav!!!!
Ok, so I left a message a few days ago and it didn't post...
My faves are starburst and nerds. I did think of Harper this year as I was handing out my Reese cups and lollipops--I kinda freaked out in the middle of handing out some candy to a little girl. I hadn't even thought of allergies; I was just trying to find time to buy ANYTHING for Halloween with a 3 year old and a 2 month old! :o) I promise I will do better next year!
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