Friday, February 23, 2007

There's An Announcement Here Somewhere

No I'm not pregnant. If you are my age, married, and use the word "announcement" it's one of the first things people think. Not happening yet. Moving on. . .

I read a lot of blogs. Several of them have new posts once or twice every single day. I did that for this past November and it about drove me insane. I don't know how many of you (besides Erin!) check here daily, but I will try to be more consistent with my posting. If you are still reading, you deserve that!

If I haven't posted much it either means:

a) Things have been going pretty well, leaving me nothing to rant or whine about.


b) I have been up until ungodly hours trying to finish my school work and I just can't bring myself to spend one more ever-loving second at this computer.

This week has been a little of both, but mostly b. This has been my most challenging quarter of graduate school yet. The good news is the worst will be over in only ten more days. The better news is that I'll be 1/2 way through my program after this quarter, and the BEST news is that Matt and I are going to Mexico!!!

Yes, Mexico.

(That was the announcement.)

Thanks to the fact that Matt works hard and is good at his job, and the fact that we have wonderful parents willing to play the toddler game for a few days, Matt and I will be spending a few days in Riviera Maya toward the end of March. This is similar to the trip we took to Florida last year. The trip just happens to be timed perfectly to coincide with the week between quarters where I am going to school. Talk about a reward. We are staying at some five-star, all inclusive, adult only resort. We get to spend a day visiting some ancient ruins. We are going to sleep. We are going to eat. We are going to get to see each other more than in passing!

Of course I'll miss Harper, but last year I amazed myself with my ability to say goodbye and truly enjoy our getaway. I would get teary when we called home or if something reminded me of Harper, but mostly I was able to let go and have fun. We'll only be gone one extra day this time. The other difference is that we know about her peanut allergy now, but both of our parents are educated about it and know how to keep her safe just as well as we do. She'll be in heaven with all the attention. Last year I think she was kind of upset when we showed up again. The Mugga fun train came to a screeching halt. This year she'll spend time with Nana and Dziatku and Mugga and Grandpa. She'll probably try to lock us out. At least we can count on Rebound to be excited by our return as he thinks, "The people who come home with my food are back, whew!"


In Harper news, I just want to mention that she drives me crazy sometimes, but mostly Harper is an amazing kid and totally cracks me up.

This morning she was sitting on our bed and I was chasing the dog around. Rebound kept running over the top of our bed, which Harper found hilarious. She was laughing one of those wonderful belly laughs that seem to disappear with childhood. She kept saying, "Do it ageen Mommy!"

After a while I was getting pooped and I flopped down on the bed. When Harper protested I told her I needed to take a break because I couldn't breathe. She replied, "Yes you tan Mommy. It goes like this. . . " Then she leaned over with her mouth open and made noise which sounded like a Darth Vader impression. So literal, the two year old. I love it.


Erin said...

I drooled on my keyboard. A little envious would be an understatement. But all the same, I'm very happy for you & Matt and the upcoming vacation! Very awesome indeed.

Megan said...

Wow, that is awesome! Sounds like a great reward for all your hard work with school, you both deserve a break :) I'm very jealous, Mexico sounds wonderful right about now. Hope things continue to go well, take care Kelsey.
Love, Megan

Mommy Daisy said...

That sounds like a great trip. I'm sure it will be relaxing and enjoyable for you both. We're taking a one-night getaway next weekend, and it will be the first I've left Zachariah over-night. I hope it goes as well for me as it did for you.