Monday, October 09, 2006

Violent Streak?

Here's a disturbing little story. . .

The other morning Harper was playing with several of her stuffed animals. She has a little lamb which is also a sort of music box. When you wind it up the music for "Jesus Loves Me" plays and the lamb's head tilts back and forth. It's very sweet. So Harper asked me to turn the lamb on, which I happily did. Then, as it was playing away on the ottoman, she put her hand in her pink bunny purse like it was a puppet, walked over, and slammed it into the lamb, knocking it over.

How do I have a picture of this? Did I happen to have my camera out at that exact moment? Oh no, Harper was so delighted with herself, she repeated this little act about fifteen times. After each time she cried triumphantly, "Ah knock amba!"

I hear therapy calling. . .


Erin said...

At least she's found a good outlet for pent up aggression. I'd like to take credit for teaching her that game, too. Like the AWESOME and SO FUN astronaut game I taught her. But I don't think I played that one with her.

Giselle said...

You want to see violence? Come to my house. We bought Andrew a babydoll and stroller for Christmas last year. The only time he will play with the doll is to give it lots of shots with his doctor kit, or put it at the bottom of the slide and body slam it. And the stroller? He pushes his Matchbox cars around in it. WHAT A BOY!!!

Oh, and he spent 3 hours with his 8 year old 2nd cousins over labor day. They were playing GI JOE, and let Andrew join in. 3 hours, and now he "shoots you" and "you're dead". Great. It's like he's pre-programmed for just take a second to get that program loaded and running. :)

I do love that the doll she is hitting sings a sweet little song, though. Kind of ironic. :)