Monday, April 24, 2006

Easter, Part 2

. . . In which we all meet the new baby, Aiden, and no one hunts for anything.

Well there were no hidden baskets, or eggs, to my knowledge, at Harper's Great Grandma Siehoff's house. But there was no shortage of fun. My youngest cousin on that side of the family is nearly 8-years-old, so it's been a while since there's been a toddler in the mix. It brought back lots of memories to hear shouts of, "Make sure to close the basement door!" This used to be the chorus at holiday times, lest a toddler tumble down the stairs. The difference this time is that I was the one shouting it.

After the monumental meltdowns Harper had in the midst of my family at Christmas, she surprised us this time around. She was fairly social and didn't cling to me at all. There was even one point when I couldn't find her for a few minutes. It turned out she was upstairs playing games with Auntie Shannon. As you can see, this suited them both just fine:

It looks like they're actually playing the game, doesn't it? Sorry folks, we think Harper's bright, but she's not there yet.

Easter also turned into a baby shower for my cousin Christopher's wife, Beth. When their son Aiden was born nearly two months early, it sort of derailed baby shower plans. I'm happy to report all are happy and healthy. Since we were all at my grandmother's house anyway, we just doubled up. Harper had a little trouble understanding why those gifts weren't exactly for her. I was impressed that she didn't tear any open. My dad distracted her with M&Ms, which helped a little!

(This is a good point to take a break and thank Nana for the beautiful Easter dress!)

The highlight of Easter at Grandma's was meeting Aiden for the first time. He was a real sweetie and even let Harper hold him on her lap. Don't be fooled, we were excited to get the photo, but it was a swift operation. I got the camera ready, we positioned Harper on the couch, someone (Beth?) placed Aiden in Harper's lap as I took the photo, and he was quickly removed, before anyone got hurt! You can see a hand hovering at the edge of the couch, ready just in case Harper had some kind of averse reaction to baby-holding.

I love that it looks like Harper has no idea what she should be doing with her hands. Harper was not so sure what she should think of this baby actually being place on her lap. A definite sign that we aren't ready for any more babies in this house just yet!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Aww, Harper looks like a natural holding that baby!