Just this morning I was explaining to Harper that Summer Reading Club was over and that we'd have to wait until next year for another reading club. AND THEN we were at preschool story time this afternoon and found out that there is a special fall reading club, just for preschoolers, sponsored by the libraries and the metro parks. We signed up immediately. It's especially cool because there are several themes - each theme has a bookmark and each bookmark has a reading list and an activity list. You read a book off the list and do one activity off the list and then you can get your bug stamp for that theme. The idea is that you read books and they inspire you to get out and DO things.
Um, it sounds more complicated than it is. Harper is excited and so am I. It gives us something to focus on for the next couple of weeks until school beings. It's also good motivation to get out into our parks more. We are good at taking advantage of library programs, but not as good at utilizing the many amazing parks around here...
Anyway, back to the libraries. We consistently attend both baby and preschool story time. Harper has been going to story time since she was a toddler, about seventeen months old, and, when given a choice, she has never once told me she didn't want to go to the library. Michael already gets excited if you ask him if he'd like to go to story time, or if he'd like to go see our librarian, Miss Pat.
There was a huge uproar in Ohio this year, when the governor planned to cut the budget for libraries by 50%. Thanks to the public outcry the cuts ended up being only about 30%, better, but still such a shame. Our libraries provide wonderful public services, not only do they make books, music, and movies available for free, but they also offer all sorts of classes/services to help improve lives in our communities: literacy services, job services, computer access, etc. I know I'm not really even skimming the surface here, and a lot of that stems from the fact that the libraries offer a host of services that I don't particularly need, but I know my community needs them.
I wonder, sometimes, if all the parents are aware of how many early literacy skills are embedded into those story times. I wonder if they realize how much effort our librarian puts in to make sure those 30-45 minutes really count.
If you could see the number of books and CDs in my house (especially children's books) you would wonder why on earth I would ever bother with the library. But, as much as I may have tried, I don't have all the books. :-) And I love that the library carries things my children will enjoy temporarily so I don't have to buy them - like the 47 Land Before Time sequels.
I have loved the library since my dad used to take me there on Saturday mornings to look for Blue Bug books. Where I grew up our public library was inside a small building which was originally a church. It was tiny, but I wonder now if the stained-glass windows have anything to do with the reverence for libraries that I've always felt.
Libraries are easy things to take for granted, but I am hoping the people in my community don't, because they are going to be asked for money when we vote in November, and it will be badly needed.
(If you need convincing to feel good about your library, go there and find the book Goin' Someplace Special by Patricia C. McKissack!)
If it gives you any hope... last Nov (the Presidential election, so EVERYONE voted), there was a municipal tax hike earmarked for the library which was on the ballot. It's not huge, but it is a large percentage when it comes to tax; it's also got a sunset clause which will end the tax once the library expansion is complete (7 years, I think). Anyway, it passed with a whopping 70% YES. That's HUGE! We're not the only ones who love the library!
lovin the library. will hate it if we have to pay for the services when we get a house, though. trying to enjoy it while it lasts. my mom pays a whopping 30$ for a year of library. here its more like $120.
I heart the library, too! OMG, I can't even imagine how much money I'd be spending on books if it weren't for them! I could absolutely do with nicer *librarians*, but the library itself, and the inter-library loan system, rocks.
WOOT for public libraries. Woot.
Awe, shucks-- it because of this I go to work every day.
I love seeing the parents and kids and getting them excited about reading.
And with times so hard, staff so short, I need to remember to smile because even though I know we are providing less (and getting grumbled at), we are still providing a lot and doing important work.
I am still amazed by how great library servies are and I hope they don't suffer too much. Our local library has cut back on staff and some other things but mainly we are okay. Public rec centers deserve a mention too - we can do all kinds of stuff, including swim, for $1 a year.
I heart this post!
My daughter and I love the public library. We spend a lot of time there. (I love the name Harper, by the way.)
Kels, i loved that library growning up too! It was so small in hindsight...but the shelves upstairs seemed so tall that i thought they had everything. i especially liked going downstairs though because it felt really special that the kids area was separate.
We have gotten alot out of our local library-- I never appreciated it the way I should have when I was younger...but we have enjoyed our share of storytime! Both my boys love books at this point & I hope to foster that in them. We don't get there as much now but hopefully we can work into the mix more. BTW- your comment from my post- I actually went back to read to see if I referred to the baby as "she" inadvertently. Michael thinks the baby is a girl so he sort of has me thinking that too. You will get full credit for predictive powers if this is indeed a girl :) Thanks again for the advice!!
I heart you for this post. I'm a librarian in a downtown public library, and we have a great children's program, not to mention our other services. I'm so glad there are people like you out there, helping us champion our cause, because frighteningly enough, there is a growing number of people that don't see the need for libraries... and that's just sad!
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