Thursday, July 01, 2010


Hi guys - we've arrived in Wisconsin and are settled in for a week of driving the grandparents crazy. Right now the kids are jumping off the stairs into the living room yelling, "Super balloony babies!" Actually, Michael is just yelling, "Go!"

The kids were excellent on the long car ride, which might mean I have some bad car karma coming for our drive to St. Louis and then back to Ohio in about a week, but we'll survive.

Today I'll drive Matt to Madison where he'll meet up with other coaches heading to their AAU National Tournament in Rochester, MN. If the team does well I might hightail it to Rochester next week to see some their last games, we'll see. It's only an extra ten or so hours in the car...

As you know today is July 1st and that means it is the first day you can vote for Matt's project idea through the Pepsi Refresh Project. There is a widget on the right that will take you to the page to vote - please consider signing up and voting this month. The top ten projects get funded! I know the widget isn't super attractive, but those are the sacrifices I'm willing to make for my beloved.

I'll try to update this week while we're chillin' in the WI, especially since Matt won't be here. Happy July yo!

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