Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fresh Air

I started this morning by taking Michael to his one-year check up, I was talking with the doctor about his spitting up (which is not horrible, but something I'd like NOT to see at all in my one-year-old thankyouverymuch) and he urped all over me, right on cue. Thanks, Bud.

Michael's one year stats are impressive, especially considering our doctor's office does not adjust his age:

head circumference: 47.7 cm - 90%
weight: 21.6 lbs - 25-50%
height: 29.5 in - 50%

Not bad for my four pound preemie!

It was a gorgeous day here today and the afternoon went smoothly enough that I figured we could fit in a trip to the park after dinner. I remember last year, going out into the front yard shortly after Michael's homecoming, taking pictures with some of the spring flowers, and I'm not kidding when I say it felt like an ordeal just to take the kids a few feet out the door (Michael's apnea monitor had to travel with us then). I found myself kind of amazed at how easily we could hop into the car and jet down to the park for half an hour without any kind of advanced tactical plan needed. Freedom!

Michael, now with visible teeth!

I love that Harper can now climb ladders with enough confidence that I don't need to hover, she can just go and play - four-year-olds are neat.

Seriously, it's a struggle not to eat him for dinner...

Is it me, or does Harper look like a "big kid" in this picture? And how is it possible we are still an entire year away from kindergarten?

Much to my delight, Michael was happy as a clam in the swing. (Although he's usually happy as a clam, so I shouldn't be surprised.) This will make it very easy to continue to take him to the park.

Four-year-olds are big cheese balls.


Giselle said...

Yay, Michael! And even though it was gross, yay for demonstrating the problem to the doctor. I swear my kids will never perform on cue ;)

Oh, and your Michael is WAY bigger than mine...and no way mine can catch up in a month. See? Yours has the weight problem in the beginning and mine will have it at the end of the first year. ;) Stinkin' troublesome Michaels...

And I would love to hear more about this subbing job that you are doing? Full time? Facebook was a bit cryptic...

Swistle said...

Oh, strange! I've been thinking of Harper as SO much older than the twins, because she's well past 4 and they're still 3 for several more months---but they'll all be in the same grade at the same time!

Anonymous said...

cute pics.

JM said...

I love the picture of Harper in the swing. She looks so happy in her Wisconsin shirt. GO BUCKY!

Emily said...

I don't know if it's the backdrop, but these pictures of Michael makes him look SO OLD. He just looks like a different kid in that swing, what a cutie! And how have I not noticed before that he has brown hair?

It IS strange how kids with birthdays so far apart can end up in the same grade. I have a friend who had a baby November 07, who seems eons older than David, but WAIT! They'll be in the same grade? That seems so crazy. They just seem so different in age when they are little.

Mommy Daisy said...

It's great to get outside now that we've had a few nice days. Soak up the son.

I agree, Harper is looking very grown up all the sudden. And Michael has grown so much. They are both cute as always!

Pam said...

I'd love to hear what your doc said about spitting up, seeing as I just went through it all. Even after his operation, my boy still does it but now it's "normal" stuff.

Both kids looks so happy to be outside. Yea for spring!

Anonymous said...

Micahel's stats are AWESOME! And he's in the 100th percentile for cute, that's for sure :-)

Yeah, Harper DOES look older! Woah. Tell her to stop it please, thank you.

bluedaisy said...

I will never get over my amazement when it comes to children and how FAST they grow. The pictures are gorgeous- happy, healthy kids--what is better than that? Good job mom and dad :)

Astarte said...

She really does look like a big kid there! I would definitely have guessed that she was in K already.