Here's his one-month picture, in a preemie outfit that was a bit saggy and baggy on his tiny body:
And look at him now:
For so many reasons it doesn't seem right that he is nearly a year old. Our physical therapist keeps reminding me that I can't think of him as a one-year-old (despite his size!) for another several months. Maybe we should just have two celebrations, one on his calendar birthday and one on his adjusted birthday (May 6). Seems like a good reason to bring more cake into the world!
Thank God he is so healthy and happy! Also, you can tell from the pictures that he's so alert and personable. He seems none the worse for having been born so incredibly tiny.
Please keep telling your story. It's interesting, and I love to read knowing that there's a happy ending!
we have the same boppy cover. i wish it was clothing instead. we dont use the boppy for much of anything. never could nurse with it. oh well. anyway, the preemie clothes in stores are just adorable, but every time i htink about what a preemie means. shudder..they can stay on the racks and i;ll take my whopper with extra fries!
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your kids are too cute! I'm so glad that Michael is happy and healthy. I saw on your profile that you are from Ohio. We just moved to Nashville from Cincinnati about 7 months ago. Hope you are weathering the winter well. I have to say that the winters down here are much nicer than in Ohio. Although I'm a little disappointed that my Harper didn't get to see any real snow this year. Ok, have a great day and thanks again for saying hello.
It really is amazing. Totally amazing.
Thanks for the birthday shoutout in your last post.
I don't think you ever have to apologize for feeling whatever you're feeling about the whole experience.
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