Saturday, August 02, 2008

Six Things (With Bonus Random Photos)

So Pam tagged me for a six random things meme, but I'm going to make a little adjustment for my six. We are getting ready to head up to Michigan for a week-long family vacation with Matt's parents, sister, sister's significant other, and uncle. When Harper was little I ran full-speed into the harsh reality that vacation with small children is not so much vacation as it is all the stuff you have to do at home, but with none of the convenience of being in your home. Between anxiety over how the week will go and the sheer enormity of the task of packing for all possible contingencies, I was thinking about writing six things I'm worried about - vacation edition. That, however, seemed a little bleak. Instead I'm going to write six things I'm looking forward to about vacation, and maybe they'll come true!

1. The fun of playing games with many people

2. Lots of attention for the children that won't all come from me

3. Swimming

4. Time together as a family with no work, no basketball, no appointments, etc.

5. A chance to read a book or two (due to the presence of other adults to help with the kiddos, and limited or no computer access)

6. Enjoying beautiful scenery and beautiful weather

As a bonus, when we return from vacation, we'll have the Olympics (!) to help ease the post-vacation melancholy.


Random anecdote: We taped part of the U.S. Olympic trials so Harper could watch the gymnasts. She was so impressed with one of the beam routines that she shouted, "Hey! Great job lady!" at the television.


Random anecdote the second: Harper has an outfit she has refused to wear all summer because she's been, "Saving it for vacation."


This is probably the last post until we get back from our trip, next Saturday. Wish us luck with the car ride (6 or 7 hours!). What fun things will you do while we're gone?

(Feel like doing your own six things? Leave a link in the comments so we know where to find them.)


Swistle said...

It is really hard to CONCENTRATE when there are so many CUTE PHOTOS.

Hillary or Ryan said...

I love the summer Olympics because of the gymnastics competition. I remember wanting to be Mary Lou Retton back in 1984. I can't wait to have that feeling again--except now I know I will never be a gymnast. And that those girls are half my age. But I still look up to them because of the amazing things they can do. So, I loved Harper's comments on the gymnastic beam routine. :)

Pam said...

Harper looks to much older and wiser. I loved the picture of her with wet hair - she's looking right into the camera. Anyway, have a fun & safe trip!

Cam said...

how adorable is the photo of Michael yawning. I hope you enjoy your time away.

Erin said...

I can't wait to hear how it was. And PICTURES! WE WANT MORE PICTURES!

See, you give us a cookie and we'll want a glass of milk...