So, today is Dr. Seuss' birthday. I found myself a little sorry that I didn't have a room full of fascinated first graders to share it with, and at least do some fun reading. Harper is a little young to fully appreciate the work of this fine, fine man. With his playful, rhyming work in mind, I humbly offer this tribute (with apologies!):
Toddlers! Hey, toddlers! I've a question for you. Would you like to move to Hullabaloo, where there's no one to tell you what you can or can't do?
There are cooklers to feed you. There are doodlers to play. No one to say NO all the long and fun day. No bed times or bath times! No rooms to keep neat! No veggies or any green things you must eat!
There's nothing to learn. There's no need to share. Watch TV all day long and no one will care. There are piles of toys and all kinds of noise. No rules at all, just wild girls and boys. You can push all the buttons and pull all the cords, climb up the stairs and open the doors. There's nothing marked "fragile," you can draw on the floors!
Of course, in Hullabaloo, there aren't any cuddlers to pick you up when you fall. There aren't any snugglers to help when you call. There aren't any fixers to fix things that break. No hangers to put up the pictures you make. We don't provide laps for reading a book. There are no huggers or kissers, so don't even look.
If you like kisses and cuddles and things. . . If you want someone who rocks you and sings. . . If that rings your bell, then Hullabaloo is not where you should dwell.
They may come with rules and bed times and green food. They may tell you NO and put you in a bad mood. But they know how to cuddle and wipe away tears. They know how to love you and calm all your fears. These people called parents aren't so very bad. Aren't you glad that you live with your mom and your dad?
That was GREAT Kelsey... helped my post-mass smile grow wider! I hope you are having a great week! I would love to come see you all before I leave for break.
Kels, this is absolutely brilliant. I love it. If Dr. Seuss' publisher doesn't want it, they're crazy!
You are just too cute.
love, Tracy
You always could write! I might have to add this to my little blue folder with some of your best poems and short stories!
Love you,
You always were a natural writer who could cut right to the heart of things with style and grace. Hope you are doing well.
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