Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Please witness the effects of Elmo on a one-year-old:

Elmo is like a drug. It's a little scary, I know, but it did mean I was able to make some progress toward finishing my book club book on time. Sometimes a mom has to do what a mom has to do. I use Elmo sparingly, concerned that Harper may develop resistance to this particular stillness treatment. If you have ever spent more than five minutes with Harper, you'll know that she never sits still! Elmo is a miracle worker. Thank you PBS.

P.S. I was very excited to get five comments on my last post!!! I believe that's the most ever. Comments on a post excite me like getting real mail does. Thanks to all those who checked in. Unfortunately I still haven't been offered a book deal or magazine column, so you'll have to continue to read my fine work right here. ;-)

1 comment:

Erin said...

Kels, if I was a publisher I'd give you an offer you couldn't refuse. But I'm just a biologist so all I can offer is a few tips on deterring squirrels from your birdfeeder. And that's not very useful, is it?

This photo of Harper is a great one. She's really a beautiful child.