Monday, January 16, 2006

Computer Pictures

She'll be typing her tell-all memoir before we know it!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelsey- I was just putting away all of my xmas cards (finally) and I just took a glance at the website you had listed in your card. Just thought I'd let you know and post a comment instead of just reading it :) Harper is adorable...I hope everything is going well for you, have a great week!
Take care.
Your old camper...(who just turned 23!!)

Megan Cox:-P

Anonymous said...

This morning after I posted my comment I got your bday card in the mail, kind of ironic! Thanks for thinking of and remembering me on my bday...I'll have to write you some snail mail soon, since you're good at that.

Thanks :)


Anonymous said...

Harper is truly adorable. And (I promise) I read this all the time! I just happened to take a week or so off recently (work + home life = very crazy), which unfortunately corresponded with the "de-lurking" week. While I'm sorry I couldn't confess myself a lurker at the time, I was pleasantly surprised to log on this morning and find many new posts waiting for me. Yay! Keep them coming. Give my best to Matt & Harper. love you, Tracy (aka Frump)