Saturday, July 15, 2023


I recently had the pleasure of attending a lunch with an interesting assortment of friends and to explain all the connections at the table I would need some photos, a corkboard, pushpins, and some red string. At the table were two librarians, three novelists, and two book podcasters. Of course we're all more than those things, but that is the simplest way to distill it. One of the people I'd met in a playgroup when our now 18-year-olds were babies, one of the people at the table I'd known since I was 18 myself, one I'm not positive I'd met before that lunch, and one I don't remember when I first met, but our paths keep crossing and we know many of the same people. (This does not cover all the people.)

Many of the connections with people around that table were initially formed or enhanced back in the days when several of us had regularly-updated mommy blogs. From pen pals to blog posts, writing has been a way for me to connect throughout my life.

As I've certainly said before - I am interested in this still being a place to reflect and connect. It's clear, looking at my old posts, that I've struggled to do that as my children have gotten older and it's felt less appropriate to share their stories in this space. So if anyone is still checking here occasionally, I am still here. And updates will continue to be sporadic, but I'm not ready to completely let go just yet.


Jamie said...

Still here, happy for the sporadic posting!

Jill said...

still reading from time to time when I get to log into my computer.