As far as we know, we don't have it yet, but it is running rampant in these parts, as I'm sure it is near many of you.
I am trying NOT to freak out about the whole pig flu thing; however, it is pretty difficult to avoid thinking about it all together, unless you undergo a complete media blackout. Both of our kids fall into the "high risk" category based on their ages alone, but then add the additional risk from asthma and I will admit to being, er,
nervous, about this particular virus.
Harper will be vaccinated through school in about two weeks (can you imagine THAT day in preschool?). Michael is another story. Our pediatrician's office claims NOT to have any vaccine, but I've heard that they have some they are offering to patients who come to the office for unrelated reasons - they will not make you an appointment just to get vaccinated.
On Thursday our county health department offered a vaccination clinic at an arena about 1/2 an hour north of here. It was strictly for pregnant women and children between the ages of 6 months and 4 years. Matt came to work from home in the afternoon (and be with Harper) while I packed Michael up and headed north.
We got to the arena a little over an hour before the clinic was set to begin and there were already 350 people in line ahead of us. I wasn't so worried about the wait, but I was worried about the health department running out of vaccine. A reassuring department of health employee, who was counting the people in line, told us not to worry, they had over 3,000 doses. Whew!
I wasn't upset about the wait, but I would have been really upset to stand in line with Michael for over an hour an be out of luck!
Aside from pulling into the parking lot and initially freaking out over how many people were already in line (the line snaked around an ARENA), the whole thing was pretty uneventful. Michael, in the curse of the car ride, slept for about 10 minutes on the way, which meant he was unlikely to sleep anymore that afternoon. He just hung out in the stroller with his blanket for two and a half hours - barely making a peep - what is wrong with my child??? I had all kinds of ammunition to throw at his distaste for waiting in line, and then he had none.
We waited, I chatted with the other mothers which made the time go quickly, and then we filed out short and simple paper work and my kid got stuck with a needle for free (yeah taxes!). Michael cried for approximately 37 seconds and then it was over.
The people from the health department have assured me that there will be plenty of available vaccine and many clinics in four weeks when Michael needs a booster shot. We'll see.
I'm curious to know how vaccines are being distributed in your area, whether you're planning on getting one for you and/or the children, and what you think your chances are of receiving one before getting the flu. (Matt and I will try to get vaccinated if possible, but the way things are going right now I'm not sure we'll be eligible.)
One last note, there was a woman (I say woman but she looked so young!) in line behind us who was only seven weeks pregnant and clearly showing already. It is her first pregnancy and I guess her midwife is wondering about twins... I desperately wanted to ask her to send me an email and let me know how her ultrasound goes next week, but I thought that perhaps such a request breached normal social boundaries. Of course now I can't stop thinking about her and I wish I hadn't been so sensible.