Friday, May 12, 2006

Hit The Ground Running

For someone who claims to be a stay at home mom, I've been working a lot lately! I subbed five days in the past two weeks. I still have two students for tutoring after school. My in-laws are once again looking like saints, as they have sacrificed a lot to watch Harper lately. I keep thinking of things I want to write on this blog, then I sit down at the computer and poof! they go right out of my head. There are only about three weeks left in the school year around here, which means both tutoring and subbing will be wrapping up. That will all be finished just in time for me to go back to school this summer. Uh-huh, how is that going to work? I guess we'll find out in about a month!

After Harper's adventures in fashion and her version of dumpster diving, things have been relatively calm around here. The other day we walked over to visit with the neighbors across the street and Harper had a field day digging in huge amounts of potting soil. I worried that she would mess it up for the neighbors, but they said they didn't mind and we just let her dig to her little heart's content.

That picture was taken after I'd already made several swipes at her face with a washcloth. She was so intent on digging that she was in the dirt up to her elbows at one point, then just leaned in and her whole face hit the dirt. If you look closely, you can see the potting soil coming out of her nose. Our neighbor said I was so great to let her do that. She said many people wouldn't want their children to get that dirty. "What's a little dirt?" I thought. Unfortunately she was still blowing soil-boogers two days later. Oops.

We have got to get this kid a sandbox, I just don't know if I'm ready to spend every waking moment sitting in it, making sure she doesn't eat too much, and keeping the dog out of it. Maybe she'll be content with the mulch at the park for a while. Until we actually get a sandbox, she won't know what she's missing.

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