Look! You can see where we live - oh, wait...
The snow makes Harper a little insane. Here she was "shoveling the yard with bucket." I really can't explain that.
The snow was too deep for Michael to walk in without falling over and losing his mittens so he preferred to "help" shovel. We took turns catching him before he shoveled the street.
Please notice his purple snow boots - I had procured some navy ones for cheap from a mom's sale but they were already too small. Fortunately we still had a pair of Harper's on a shelf by the back door. Note to self: good job not cleaning out the garage!
Here's a head-scratcher for you... Harper, who has outgrown multitudes of clothes and shoes since her third birthday, has been wearing the same snow boots for three winters. How is this possible? I'd like to think they're magic, but I've probably just had her in ridiculously over-sized boots for the last two winters.